Seasonal planters are fun to create and a beautiful addition to any patio, porch, or balcony that could use a little more colour. You can sit them on the ground, in a stand, hang them, and even use them to spruce up railing. Usually when we thinking of planters, we think flowers. I’d encourage you […]
Author Archives: Brandi
Trees and shrubs are so beneficial for your garden. They add a point of interest, seasonal colour/fruit, shelter for wildlife, as well as shade and privacy. Select the right tree, plant it correctly, and keep up with care so they can be enjoyed for generations to come. Trees are perennials when grown in the right […]
Perennials are plants that live for two or more years and are cold-hardy. Today, horticulturist, Colin Hayles shared tips on selecting perennials for your space and caring for them throughout the seasons. A big thank you to everyone who attending our webinar today. We look forward to all the successes you’ll encounter this spring! Continue […]
If you want to enjoy bursts of colour or freshly grown veggies and herbs, look into adding annuals to your garden! Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season. They can add beauty to any part of your yard and benefit your pollinators friends all growing season long. A big thank […]
Do you have #lawngoals? Does it involve a lush mix of Kentucky blue and fescue you can enjoy from your patio? Do you want to support pollinators with clover and dandelions? What you want from your lawn is personal. We want you to feel happiness and pride when you look at your lawn. A big […]
How do you like being woken up? If you’re anything like us, you like it to be gradual and soft. Right?! We can apply that same thought to our gardens. Although it’s too early to plant anything outside in Alberta, we can still get out in the garden and prepare some things now that will […]
HEMP NOW AT GOLDEN ACRE Have you wanted to try growing hemp in your garden? We’ve been please to see a growing interest in local gardeners wanting to experiment this year. Right here in Alberta, you can plant hemp from seed until July and harvest either the buds or seeds, depending on what your end […]
Seeds can be a fun and rewarding project for all ages. It can seem a little overwhelming, but we’re here to assist your journey. Seed starting can introduce you to more varieties than you would normally find in the grocery store or flower shop. In tomatoes alone, there are more than 20 varieties in Golden […]
What are some of the most common houseplant pests you can think of? Spider mites, mealy bugs, fungus gnats… dare I say, THRIPS?! Sorry for the swear word, but as keepers of plants, we’re bound to run into one of these pests. The worst part is, they can come from an open window, or the […]
Hey gardener! How’s the garden coming along? While there is more time to spend enjoying all the beauty we’re created, the work is never truly over. We’re always going to be watering and maintaining it throughout the season. Today, Colin explored the scientific relationship between plants and water including how and why we do it. […]