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Plants that Attract Pollinators

Plants that Attract Pollinators
Hey garden friends!

Now that your plants are settling into their new homes out in the yard, Colin and I thought it would be fitting to chat about pollinators this week on GAKidsTV, and what a great topic to bring onto the blog! So, what are pollinators? They’re your little bees, butterflies, and even squirrels and hummingbirds! Essentially, it’s anything that carries pollen from one plant to another to promote flowers and food growth.

Colin compiled this list of plants you can grow here in Calgary to help encourage these beneficial critters into your yard!

If you’d like more information on pollinators, check out our episode!


Plants that Attract Butterflies


Plants that Attract Butterfly Larvae AKA Caterpillars

Plants that Attract Hummingbirds

Plants that Attract Bees

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