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GA Webinars | Lawncare Tips

GA Webinars | Lawncare Tips

Do you have #lawngoals? Does it involve a lush mix of Kentucky blue and fescue you can enjoy from your patio? Do you want to support pollinators with clover and dandelions? What you want from your lawn is personal. We want you to feel happiness and pride when you look at your lawn.

A big thank you to everyone who attending our webinar today. We look forward to all the successes you’ll encounter this spring! Continue reading for a recap of todays event and for links on all of Colin’s recommendations


Spring Lawns

Where do you start?

Clean up the lawn from debris and winter mold. Dispose of any mold to prevent spread, but consider leaving leaves in a pile around your garden for the friendly bugs that’ll help you later on. See what kind of damage you’ll need to address like vole damage. Fluff up grass with a soft rake. Save dethatching for mid May as thatch protects your lawn from the weather.

  • Gentle Leaf Rake | SHOP


Removing the layer of dead material that sits on top of the soil. Removing it in spring will allow for nutrients to reach your grass roots. When grass is dry, use a rake and rake up the thatch. You’ll want to do this before over-seeding and fertilizing.

Top Dressing

Adding a fine (1/4″) layer of material to your lawn. This improves soil quality, smooths lawn, protects your lawn seed, aids moisture retention, and more. Blend it in with the back of your rake. You can use any of the following (feel free to blend):

Lawn Seed

Grass seed can replenish your lawn, thicken it, or help adjust it to changing conditions. Consider your sun exposure, usage, and dimensions.

Try these tools when seeding your lawn:

  • Holland Greenhouse Spreader Jar | SHOP
  • Scott’s Handheld Spreader | SHOP
  • Scott’s Push Spreader | SHOP (Available in store)

Fertilizing Lawn

Do this 2-3 times a growing season to promote healthy roots and overall development. See the helpful diagram on Colin’s PowerPoint linked at the bottom.

Colin recommends these products:

  • Scott’s Turf Builder Starter | SHOP
    • Used for new lawns and first thing in the spring for root development
  • Promix Multi Season Lawn Food | IN STORE ONLY AT THIS TIME
    • Can be used throughout the rest of the season
  • Evolve Dog Spot Fertilizer | SHOP
    • Use this as a preventative measure to spots left by dog urine.

Watering Lawn

Essential for photosynthesis. Fun for kids. Water early in the morning and don’t overwater. Tip! Use a tuna can or frisbee to collect the water, and when it’s full, you’re good! Always water after seeding and fertilizing. Colin featured these sprinklers on the webinar:


This should only be done when needed, especially in high traffic areas. Use a machine, or do by hand, but make sure to clean up the plugs. Follow it up by top dressing, seeding, fertilizing, and watering.

  • Step-on Aerator | SHOP



More Detailed PowerPoint Presentation | GA Webinar Presentation – Lawncare 2023

Encore Video Presentation | Visit our YouTube Channel


Next Webinar | Annuals – Flowers, Veggies, and Herbs | Apr 22, 2023



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Pick up option

These beneficial insects are dormant and need to stay refrigerated. From pick up you have a 30 minute window to re-refrigerate (Do not Freeze).

If you cannot re-refrigerate your beneficial insects must be applied as soon as possible, they will not stay dormant.


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Due to the perishable nature of this product we are unable to deliver live beneficial insects outside of Calgary City Limits. 


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20-20-20 Houseplant Complete

How to use

Mix Ratio: For all houseplants apply 1 teaspoon (4grams) /per 4 Litres (1/4 teaspoon (1gram)/per litre) of water once every week.

It is highly recommended to start your houseplants on a fertilizer regime, but only while they are actively growing.

 Houseplants tend to have a period of dormancy (normally winter, however poinsettias, Xmas cacti etc. are exceptions to this rule) and whilst dormant they should not be fertilized.

Caution: Do not exceed the recommended amount. Keep out of reach of children and pets.