ADVANCED NUTRIENTS BUD FACTOR X: Bud Factor X is applied with nutrients starting in the early bloom phase to trigger and maintain a higher level of resin secretion throughout the entire bloom phase.
- The ingredients in Bud Factor X are absorbed by the plant’s roots and begin to signal the plant to maximize the production of these valuable compounds.
- This is accomplished by signalling receptors that are inherent to the plant directly on an intra-cellular level. When this occurs, not only is the plant of higher quality, it is able to continue to grow abundant harvests.
- Using Bud Factor X, growers can avoid falling victim to reliance on chemical controls such as sulphur that significantly reduce the qualities such as flavor and aroma in the harvest.
- Triggers plants to maximize their ability to produce essential oils and resins.
- Provides nutrition for beneficial microbes in the root zone.
- Increases the value of crops grown for their essential oil contents, giving a maximum yield of the desired active compounds.