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Is there a difference between manure, compost, and soil for your container garden and which is better? Not only are there are significant differences, they are also fantastic when used properly. Soils and additives are the true foundation of any garden. Most of the time if your garden is underperforming the answer can be found in the soil.

Golden Acre carries everything you need to make sure your garden is built on a solid foundation. We have composts, manures, rock dust, perlites, topsoils, potting mixes and more. We carry a full line of organics too.

Pro-tip – Sea Soil is our best-selling compost for a reason.



Soils refer to any complete growing medium. It may be the soil in your garden, our bulk soils, topsoil or lawn soil, or any of the planting/growing mixes we have. It is one of the most essential components of the planting equation. Using soil that is too heavy and young roots can’t grow. Using one too light and your plant might not be able to stand.

Golden Acre carries every type you could need. Froom seedling starting to a full veggie plot we have the soils you need.
We also have bulk options available.



A FAQ we never get tired of answering is, how do I make my soil better? The answer is additives. Every year your soil will be depleted from growing plants, UV rays, rain and snow; every year you should build it up. There are no “one size fits all” answers here. My personal blend is coco coir, sea soil, canamze rock dust and biochar. Beyond those additives, there are worm castings, green sand, vermiculite, perlite, composted manure and more.

Your garden will need to be built, have fun doing it.