Capturing and using rainwater for your yard
Rain barrels collect rainwater and provide a free source of water for your yard. Your plants will appreciate the soft, warm water, and you will help reduce the amount of rainwater runoff that enters our rivers and creeks untreated.
Water collected in rain barrels has a natural temperature that doesn’t shock your plants and is chlorine-free – your garden and your yard will thank you! Rain water harvesting has the added benefit of helping you conserve water. And by diverting water that usually collects fertilizers and other contaminants from storm drains; you reduce the amount of polluted water being dumped into our rivers and streams.
Our rain barrels are re-purposed food containers that are diverted from the land fill – and are low maintenance, easy to use, and very affordable.
Calgary’s average rainfall of 5 cm per month will provide approximately 4,000 litres of water. That can fill a typical 45-gallon rain barrel 20 times.
How to purchase a Rain Barrel –
Golden Acre
We are The Distribution Center for Rain Barrels for Green Calgary and the City of Calgary.
This is for in-store pickup.
You can also come visit us in store to shop for your rain barrel.
Rain Barrels are $78 + GST.
Your purchase includes: 1 rain barrel, brass tap, outlet cap, and adapter. Hose kits sold separately.
How to purchase a Rain Barrel –
Green Calgary
Green Calgary is the Delivery Center for Rain Barrels for Green Calgary and the City of Calgary.
This is for Delivery Option Only.
Rain Barrels are $78 + GST.
Your purchase includes: 1 rain barrel, brass tap, outlet cap, and adapter. Hose kits sold separately.