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Ep 56 | Starting from Seed: Leafy Greens

Ep 56  | Starting from Seed: Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

Salads, stir-fry’s, etc. Fresh lettuce is a great addition to any vegetable garden as they’re easy to grow and can even grow in those shadier spots in the garden. They can grow quickly in pots too! 


Starting From Seed
If you’re growing in the garden, due the fast growing nature of leafy greens, you can start them directly outside after the last frost in your region. If you’re growing in pots, you may start them inside to harvest sooner. 
Companion Planting
No major requirements.
General Requirements
**Always read your individual seed pack for directions. These directions are general for the grouping
Sun symbol" Emoji - Download for free – Iconduck     Refer to your individual seed packet. Generally, leafy varieties grow well in part sun or shade.
Soil Generic Flat icon  Light and good quality soil. A premixed potting soil is great for pots.
Fertilizer Basic Miscellany Lineal Color iconNitrogen-based fertilizer is best, but you can use a general purpose or vegetable fertilizer.
Water drop Detailed Rounded Lineal color icon    They will require consistent water as they are high production. 
Gardening - Free farming and gardening icons    Cut at the base and throughout the season. You may get more from the same plant depending on the variety. 



Herbs are versatile and fairly easy to grow! You can harvest these plants throughout the season and continue to grow indoors throughout the winter.

Starting From Seed
Most herbs are fast growing so you can start these directly outside. Consult your individual seed packet to determine if that variety requires additional growing time. If you’re growing your herbs in a pot, then you can start them inside and just bring the pot out when the threat of frost is done. You may want to grow more tender herbs, like basil, indoors to protect against sudden cold and hard rain. 
Companion Planting
No major requirements but consider planting more aggressive plants like mint in a pot. Herbs can become a companion plant to other garden veggies since their protective oils will deter pests!
General Requirements
**Always consult your individual seed pack for special directions. Below are general tips.
Sun symbol" Emoji - Download for free – Iconduck   Generally, herbs such as lavender and basil require full sun. Mint can grow well anywhere.
Soil Generic Flat icon   Light and good quality soil. A premixed potting soil is great for pots.
Fertilizer Basic Miscellany Lineal Color icon
Nitrogen-based fertilizer is best, but you can use a general purpose or vegetable fertilizer.
Water drop Detailed Rounded Lineal color icon  They will require consistent water as they are high production. 
Gardening - Free farming and gardening icons    Harvest one third of your herbs at a time. Live head flowers if you’re growing to consume. Flowers will change the taste and send energy into seed production. Keep flowers if you’re growing for pollinators. 


Herb Inspiration

Herbs do really well when grown in a pot, especially mint which can become quite aggressive when grown in the garden bed. Plus, you may see yourself harvested a fair amount of your herb collection during the growing season, so why not have them close by and all together? You can even grow your most commonly used culinary herbs together in a pot, assuming they all share the same sun requirements! Check out these themed herb planters and try creating one this season!


Bugs, Diseases, Predators

 You may see just the typical suspects like aphids and spider mites throughout the growing season. Be aware of label warnings when using control products as some will recommend spraying a certain number of days before harvest. Because lettuce and herbs can be continually harvested, it may be a better approach to either hold off on harvest or consider live bugs such as ladybugs to naturally defend your plants. 

Standing water and overcrowding can attract diseases like root rot and powdery mildew. It’s best to keep up with garden maintenance and have good draining soil and pots to prevent them . Increase airflow by keep plants pruned. This is especially important when your growing shade-loving varieties. 

You may see some neighbourhood critters coming to sample your garden. Lettuce is more prone to damage than herbs due to the smelly oils that would deter predators. Try planting them together or try a product like Plantkydd to incorporate a smelly element that curious critters won’t like. 




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Live Beneficial Insect Notification

Pick up option

These beneficial insects are dormant and need to stay refrigerated. From pick up you have a 30 minute window to re-refrigerate (Do not Freeze).

If you cannot re-refrigerate your beneficial insects must be applied as soon as possible, they will not stay dormant.


Calgary Local Delivery Option

These will not be delivered refrigerated and must be applied the day they are delivered.

Due to the perishable nature of this product we are unable to deliver live beneficial insects outside of Calgary City Limits. 


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20-20-20 Houseplant Complete

How to use

Mix Ratio: For all houseplants apply 1 teaspoon (4grams) /per 4 Litres (1/4 teaspoon (1gram)/per litre) of water once every week.

It is highly recommended to start your houseplants on a fertilizer regime, but only while they are actively growing.

 Houseplants tend to have a period of dormancy (normally winter, however poinsettias, Xmas cacti etc. are exceptions to this rule) and whilst dormant they should not be fertilized.

Caution: Do not exceed the recommended amount. Keep out of reach of children and pets.